Indipendentemente dall'uso che se ne può fare,
se il problema è quello del titolo si può risolvere
semplicemente con una matrice (sw gratuito).
Determinare la funzione di una curva a partire dal grafico (
Moderatori: Ianero,
voti ... eFit.shtml A simple program to do curve fitting
Written by Ionut Ilascu on April 9th, 2014
The curve fitting process allows the creation of a curve that fits a set of data points in the best way possible CurveFit has been designed specifically for this purpose and it is quite a simple program if you are familiar with the concept it is based on.
Based on the user input the application can easily plot the trajectory of the curve and provide the mathematical function.
No install, simple looks
The application works right out of the box and it does not need to be installed. Simply double-click the executable file and the main application window launches immediately.
The interface is minimalist and lacks any bells and whistles as the program has been created only for mathematical computation purposes.
Most of the main screen is occupied by the panel showing the graphical representation of the curve in comparison to the plotted points.
Simple yet versatile options
The user has to provide the necessary values for each of the points and then proceed to adding them to the chart. There is also the possibility to load a file that already contains the values.
Another step is to adjust the polynomial order. A soon as this is done the mathematical formula is automatically displayed on the screen.
Additional functionality allows plotting interpolated spline and editing the chart. As far as the latter option is concerned, users have plenty of customization options, from changing the title and type of the series to making various color adjustments for better visibility of the elements in the chart. A simple program to do curve fitting
Written by Ionut Ilascu on April 9th, 2014
The curve fitting process allows the creation of a curve that fits a set of data points in the best way possible CurveFit has been designed specifically for this purpose and it is quite a simple program if you are familiar with the concept it is based on.
Based on the user input the application can easily plot the trajectory of the curve and provide the mathematical function.
No install, simple looks
The application works right out of the box and it does not need to be installed. Simply double-click the executable file and the main application window launches immediately.
The interface is minimalist and lacks any bells and whistles as the program has been created only for mathematical computation purposes.
Most of the main screen is occupied by the panel showing the graphical representation of the curve in comparison to the plotted points.
Simple yet versatile options
The user has to provide the necessary values for each of the points and then proceed to adding them to the chart. There is also the possibility to load a file that already contains the values.
Another step is to adjust the polynomial order. A soon as this is done the mathematical formula is automatically displayed on the screen.
Additional functionality allows plotting interpolated spline and editing the chart. As far as the latter option is concerned, users have plenty of customization options, from changing the title and type of the series to making various color adjustments for better visibility of the elements in the chart.
g.schgor ha scritto:Indipendentemente dall'uso che se ne può fare,
se il problema è quello del titolo si può risolvere
semplicemente con una matrice (sw gratuito).
Grande Giovanni
ilvirgo ha scritto:Sapevo che mi avresti tagliato le gambe![]()
Il discorso però è che il 4 volte campione del mondo di trading, che tra l'altro è italiano, analizza le "stagionalità" dei mercati e le elabora in sistemi matematici
Se ti riferisci ad Andrea Unger e pretendi di mimare ciò che fa lui utilizzando qualche serie temporale interpolando con i minimi quadrati posso aggiungere solo una parola...."auguri!".
Ingegneria : alternativa intelligente alla droga.
30,2k 7 10 12 - G.Master EY
- Messaggi: 3377
- Iscritto il: 24 ago 2010, 14:12
- Località: Behind the scenes
GioArca67 ha scritto:Avete provato SMath studio? Freeware
E' un software fatto molto bene ma in questo caso se dovessi fare calcoli del genere impiegherei sicuramente Octave.
Ingegneria : alternativa intelligente alla droga.
30,2k 7 10 12 - G.Master EY
- Messaggi: 3377
- Iscritto il: 24 ago 2010, 14:12
- Località: Behind the scenes
Per me il miglior software open source che contiene lo stato dell'arte degli algoritmi di interpolazione e regressione è R:
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